Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Life Is To Short to Wait...

Life is always to short to wait don't you think?? I just finished my exams today and did not really even realise it was that time where I had to sit on my ass and drill things into my head, the point is, if you wait to long for something, the opportunity will pass...

I have been waiting for such long in my life for the perfect opportunity to come to me, and guess what, if you are just going to sit on a park bench and wait for it to come running to you, it will be long gone before you even notices it was there...opportunities present themselves on the most unexpected times, whether you like it or not, but when it does, you must grab it with both arms and follow you gut.

Life is suppose to present itself  in a manner that it in not only a challenge for you but becomes a prize, so that by the time you hit the white light at the end of your life journey you can say you gave it your all and nothing less! I never really thought of it in that manner till about last week when I realised that everything is not as perfect as you think and that you sometimes have to be the artist and finish your own sculpture of life..

Basically I just think that we are human beings, we are able to use our senses and we aren't suppose to be the ones just sitting on a park bench, but be the ones who grab opportunities, discover the life that the universe gave to us and grant opportunities to those that cant reach and meet the challenges that lies behind the human eye.

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